I am loving the number two right now- 2 toothbrushes in my bathroom, 2 plates at the table, two combat boots at my front door, 2 bathrobes on the back of the bedroom door... my darling husband made it safely home from Afghanistan on Thursday- 31, December 2009. It was wonderful to finally be in his arms after an 8 month absence.
With his presence, once again, here at home with us, I realize what a huge hole his absence had created. It is so wonderful to share a cup of coffee in the morning, to snuggle and talk in bed before the baby and puppy start our day for us, to get a real kiss instead of hearing your kiss over the phone, to feel his arms holding me and all the wonderful ways he helps around the house and with our family. Again and again, I am realizing I am one very richly blessed woman! I am loving having our little family complete once again. And home just feels "right" with all three of us here sheltered in its warmth.
Nathans ceremony was at 0600 Thursday morning- which is probably the first time in my life I was sooo happy to get up before then. I had awakened around 1 am and was completely unable to drift back off to sleep (I felt more excitement than a 6 year old Christmas Eve!!!) so I was ready in plenty of time. I woke Ariana at the last minute before leaving, keeping her snugly, warm in her jammies. We had maybe a 30 minute wait after arriving until the ceremony actually began and the soldiers marched in. I had Ariana in her stroller so we actually got front row seating rather than having to climb to the back of the bleachers- yes! I planned that!!! I cannot describe the thrill that I felt inside as I heard the sound of marching feet and as I peered around the edge of the crowd, waiting for that first glimpse of our returning heroes. As they marched by me, I thought I had recognized my Nathans head in the sea of uniforms, identical haircuts and hats... Sure enough- he was in the third row and third one in! I was thrilled to have sat on the side of the auditorium that he ended up on and that I was so readily able to pick him out. I was unsure for a little bit that it was him, but then he smiled and blew me a kiss and I knew that was "MY" soldier! The ceremony maybe lasted 15 min at the most, before they released them all to greet their loved ones. We couldn't get to each other fast enough! After our initial hugging and kissing, we got Ariana out of the stroller and all she wanted to do was snuggle with her daddy. As most of you know- our girl is not a snuggler so it was so precious to see her little arms around his neck holding on to him and her head nestled into his shoulder! I had to take Ariana back a couple times, so Nathan could get his bags, etc... and she would about leap into his arms when he came back to us. Needless to say- you all know Daddy was thrilled to have his little girl so enamoured with him! And she is very quickly becoming a Daddy's girl! She is delighted to have him here at home with us and is very free with her hugs and kisses.
We have been blessed in that Nathan has had the first 8 days off from work and love having him here!!! Sometimes it still seems so unreal... dream-like... that he is really here at home and not just visiting! It's been a long eight months, but a very sweet reunion!
Please excuse the videography- I wouldn't say its one of my strengths but I wanted you all to be able to see! It's only the initial part of the ceremony because I wanted to stare at my love instead of videotaping the people who were speaking!
How Wonderful!!!!!