Ariana and her new, best buddy all ready for bed and having a last snuggle in Mommy's rocking chair.

giving Mona hugs...

watching tv together...

I am surprised, but relieved, that I can say it has actually been relatively easy to introduce a puppy to our household. Of course, there are those moments when the phone rings, the baby's crying and the dog has to go out NOW...but for the most part it has been a smooth adjustment. Ariana absolutely adores Mona. They play together, share everything, get into trouble together and last night, Ariana tried to pull Mona over the edge of the tub to splash with her- I guess she thought the puppy needed a bath too! Both of them are very busy, but I am finding the extra help of Mona's entertaining antics to be a welcome break for Mommy, who now gets to watch the two of them play. Nathan is looking forward to coming home and playing with the two of them as well. He's always wanted a Jack Russell so this is part of his perfect, family picture that he has wanted so long.