Basically, my days consist of baby feedings, diaper changes, pumping breast milk so I can feed the baby, dashes to the potty with the two year old, letting the dog out, making meals for the three of us who are big enough to sit at the table, washing and sanitizing things so I can once again pump milk, throwing in a load of laundry so we can pull wrinkly clothes out of the dryer tomorrow, repeat about every two or three hours...etc...Throw in the occassional doctor appointment and run to Walmart for groceries and you about have my life. Notice napping isn't really part of the scenerio...Yeah, Ariana has pretty much decided her nap days are over. She normally takes the quiet time on her bed to either eat a book or have an accident in her pull-up, which she has to immediately tell me of...It usually happens JUST as I am dozing off which effectively means even if I do get to lay back down, I won't fall asleep.
it is a wonderful thing.
Caramel Frappe's from McDonalds are especially wonderful...I have my Mom to thank for that new addiction...and I truly am very thankful for it. Nathan very graciously feeds the addiction and brings them home for me from the errands he sweetly runs for me. He usually takes Ariana with him so I get a little break, since I most definitely am not getting any extra sleep during the day. Landon is a good, little sleeper- I really can't complain. For a new baby, well, six week old baby {already!} it could be much worse...He normally, gives me a five to six hour stretch after his last feeding of the day which means about a two am wake up call. And then the next one is pretty much right on the three hour mark. Uninterrupted sleep is a sweet daydream at this point.