Nathan and I before our big night out. This was the first formal ball either one of us had been to. It was alot of fun to get all dressed up and have a night off from mommy/daddy duties. My friend Meghan watched Ariana for us, so she got to have a fun night of playing with her little friend, Faith while Mommy and Daddy were gone.
We didn't end up staying for the whole evening, but left around 9:30- 10:00. It was quite the evening- from live music, toasts, dinner, guest speakers, skits, the ceremony of making the punch and a few other things...We did have to go through a receiving line and shake hands with some Sgt's Major and Colonel's. I got a very nice compliment from Colonel Haight on the necklace I was wearing, which happened to be the rubies Nathan got me for Christmas from Afghanistan.

My new haircut- the shortest it has been in over 13 years! I love it and it feels chic and fun!